Pawel Orkisz - Dno serca
Poland 2007

01 Introduction
02 Goscie (The guests)
03 Zielony ogarek (One of us cannot be wrong)
04 Przemijanie (Passin' thru)
05 Ptak na drucie (Bird on the wire)
06 Zuzanna (Suzanne)
07 Prawo (The law)
08 Tancz mnie po milosci kres (Dance me to the end of love)
09 Zona cyganska (The gypsy wife)
10 Blekitny prochowiec (Famous blue raincoat)
11 Gdzies na serca dnie (In my secret life)
12 Kochalem cie dzis rano (Hey, that's no way to say goodbye)
13 Kto (Who by fire)
14 Siostry milosierdzia (Sisters of mercy)
15 Wydaje sie tak dawno, Nancy (It seems so long ago, Nancy)
16 Tej nocy bedzie nam fajnie (Tonight will be fine)
17 Alleluja (Hallelujah)
18 Okno (The window)
19 Partyzant (The Partisan)