Leonard Cohen
New York City (The Bottom Line) New York, USA, 30 November 1974 (late

Lineage: "master > DAT(1) > Fostex D5 >
M-audio 2496 (digital port) > Cool Edit Pro (record) >
r8brain (vhq downsample) > SoundForge Pro 10.0 > Trader's Little
Helper 2.6.0 > .flac16" > MP3 320kbs.
Audience recording - complete - 101minutes
Set One:
01 Bird on the Wire (1)
02 So Long, Marianne
03 Love Calls You by Your Name
04 There Is a War
05 Who by Fire
06 Lady Midnight
07 Chelsea Hotel #2 (solo)
08 Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
09 Diamonds in the Mine > (band introductions)
10 Seems So Long Ago, Nancy
11 The Partisan
---tape flip---
12 You Know Who I Am (solo)
13 Story of Isaac
14 Tonight Will Be Fine
15 Famous Blue Raincoat
16 I Tried to Leave You
17 Sisters of Mercy
18 Lover, Lover, Lover
19 Take This Longing
---tape cut---
20 Suzanne
---tape cut---
21 Is This What You Wanted
---tape cut---
22 Passin' Through//
---tape flip---
23 The Butcher
---tape cut---
24 Bird on the Wire (2)
2020-01-05 Adjustments - merged the cut in Partisan
with a cross-fade - merged applause at end of Take This Longing -
merged applause at end of Suzanne, and brought new applause to the
same volume level - faded out at tape cut end of Is This What You
Wanted, and fade back in - Passin' Through truncated because tape ran
out, inserted fade at end - Left small gap between fade of Passin' and
the start of the Butcher for better flow (note The Butcher and the
second Bird on the Wire are from a different and inferior source). -
merged applause at the end of the Butcher and adjusted new applause
volume - Inserted fades at the beginning and the end A very nice
recording for the most part and we must thank the original taper for a
fine job.
The patches at the end thankfully make the recording complete (almost,
except for the end of Passin' Through).
Thanks as well to the original uploader and archivist, the late
banalny. Great to hear this music again, let's keep these recordings
alive. And anyone who feels like uploading will be very welcome.