Acords amb Leonard Cohen 2007

Saturday January 13, 2007 – Auditori de Sant Cugat (Barcelona)
Audio Source: audience source - almost complete in red missing
01 Constantino Romero - Poema (Poem)
02 Perla Batalla - Suzanne
03 Constantino Romero - Oración para el Mesías (Prayer for Messiah)
04 Adam Cohen - Bird On The Wire
05 Constantino Romero - Dios está vivo. La Magia está en marcha (God is Alive, Magic is Afoot)
06 Gerard Quintana - Al·leluia (Hallelujah)
07 Duquende - Mi Gitana (My Gipsy Wife)
08 Constantino Romero - Me arrodillé junto a un arroyo (I knelt beside a stream)
09 Christina Rosenvinge - Impermeable Azul (Famous Blue Raincoat)
10 Constantino Romero - Regal (Gift)
11 Jabier Muguruza - Chelsea Hotel #2 (espanyol)
12 Jabier Muguruza - So Long, Marianne (Euskera) (part)
(Constantino Romero - no enregistrat)
13 Elliott Murphy - Diamons In The Mine
14 Anjani Thomas - Half A Perfect World
15 Anjani Thomas - Thanks For The Dance
16 Constantino Romero - Títulos (Titles)
17 John Cale - Alexandra Leaving
18 Constantino Romero - A los ojos de los hombres cae (In the eyes of men he falls)
19 Jackson Browne - Thousand Kisses Deep
20 Adam Cohen and Anjani Thomas - Pequeño vals vienés (Take This Waltz)
21 Batalla i Colis - Balada de la yegua ausente (Ballad of the Absent Mare)
22 Javier Colis and Javier Mas - El Carnicero (The Butcher)
23 Constantino Romero - Cuando Incluso Los (When Even The)
24 Santiago Auserón - Tú Sabes quien soy (You know who I am)
06 Toti Soler - Susanna (Suzanne)
25 Constantino Romero - Cualquier sistema (Any System)
27 Luis Eduardo Aute - El futuro (The Future)
28 Constantino Romero - La Fe (The Faith)
29 Perla Batalla - Baila Conmigo (Dance me to the End of Love) (part)
30 John Cale - Hallelujah (bis)
Official DVD & 2CD 21 songs DM 4279-02 DL.B3319-2007 DISCMEDI TV3 John Cale not included
Video: Source: TV broadcast TV3 - C33, Sunday August 19, 2007: 1h43 minutes (incomplete), Catalan subtitles; MP4 472MB DVD23
01 Duquende - Mi Gitana (My Gipsy Wife)
02 Jackson Browne - Thousand Kisses Deep
03 Jabier Muguruza - Chelsea Hotel (Spanish)
04 Elliott Murphy - Diamons In The Mine
05 Santiago Auserón - Tú Sabes quien soy (You know who I am)
06 Perla Batalla and Javier Colis - Balada de la yegua ausente (Ballad of the Absent Mare)
07 Anjani Thomas - Thanks For The Dance
08 Toti Soler - Susanna (Suzanne) (Catalan)
09 Costantino Romero - Títulos (Titles)
10 Adam Cohen - Bird On The Wire
01 Adam Cohen and Anjani Thomas - Pequeño vals (Take This Waltz)
02 Perla Batalla - Suzanne
03 Christina Rosenvinge - Impermeable Azul (Famous Blue Raincoat)
04 Jabier Muguruza - So Long, Marianne (Euskera - English)
05 Gerard Quintana - Al·leluia (Hallelujah) (Catalan)
06 Anjani Thomas - Half a perfect world
07 Luis Eduardo Aute - El Futuro (The Future)
08 Constantino Romero - Cualquier sistema (Any System)
09 Javier Colis and Javier Mas - El Carnicero (The Butcher)
10 Costantino Romero - Oración para el Mesías (Prayer for Messiah)
11 Perla Batalla - Baila Conmigo (hasta el fin del amor) (Dance me to the End of Love)
Kevin McCormick (bass)
Javier Mas (guitars, bandurria, archilaud)
Charlie Cepeda (electric guitar)
Raul Rodriguez (Spanish guitar)
Jimmy Gonzalez (drums)
Alvaro Gandul (keyboards)
Alex Bublitchi (violin)
Jabier Muguruza (accordion)
Mireia Otzerinjauregi (vocals)
Perla Batalla (vocals)
Music Directors: Kevin McCormick - Javier Mas
Artistic Director: Alberto Manzano